
Number Series APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 4.0
  • 4

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Análisis Softonic

Number Series: A Challenging Logical Game with Numbers

Number Series is a logical game with numbers, perfect for those who enjoy challenging their brain. This Android game, developed by KazyDroid, falls under the puzzle category.

In this game, players are presented with 25 levels of varying difficulty. The objective is simple: identify the number that follows or find the wrong number in each given sequence. However, players must be prepared to use their mathematical knowledge and logical thinking, as the number sequences involve mathematical operations.

Players are given only 3 lives to complete the game. If they are unsure of the answer, they can choose to click on the "Show Explanation" button to reveal the answer, but at the cost of losing one life.

Number Series requires permissions for internet access, allowing for ad loading and Google Play Game Services. Additionally, it requires access to Photos/Media/Files for share functionality, as the game generates an image with the question that needs to be stored externally. Lastly, the vibrate permission is used to provide feedback when the user answers incorrectly.

Get ready to train your mind and have fun with Number Series!

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Number Series APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 4.0
  • 4

  • Estado de Seguridad del APK

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